M02 17 2024 -
- Moved to The North
- Scaled down Genesis Computing
- Became employed
M09 07 2023 -
- Founded Genesis Computing, a blockchain-based digital marketing company
- Started learning Game Dev
- Perfected skills in:
- Architecture
- Sales
- Marketing
M03 14 2023 -
- Working within Audiocover as a web engineer
- Took a gap year from University
- Closed Elith
2022 -
- Living in the United Kingdom
- In university, studying music production
- Learning new & experimental languages & writing systems, such as;
- Working on creating:
- Experimental music with new synthesis techniques under the name h. x. r. †
- Selling EMP devices under [elith]] @ https://elith.systems
- project-titan, our magical girl 2D game in the style of old 90s dungeon crawlers.
- Perfecting hand-drawn & digital art.
This is a [/now] page, a concept created by Derek Sivers.
It’s a short summary of what we’re doing now, updated as regularly as we can remember to do so.